
Spoken like an economist. "Women are people." If people were all the same, there would be one song on Spotify, one movie on Netflix - the one *everyone* likes.

Framing an approach as "creepy" accomplishes a couple things: 1) it reframes the situation from boast to mild victimization, which elicits empathy rather than ire from peers; 2) it serves as a safe way to flex, or virtue signal that she is desired, and hence has status.

Finally, "Really this isn't complicated..." Did you do a hand flourish as you wrote this? Did the dopamine hit work for you? Pardon the rest of us for being so dumb.



Dr. Christopher Demetrakos
Dr. Christopher Demetrakos

Written by Dr. Christopher Demetrakos

PhD neuroscientist, architect of Gen3 marketing: aim at the neurochem of decision, it powers free markets. Learn more: ax3.io Inquiries: demetrakos@gmail.com

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